
Showing posts from April, 2023

Nilfog the Black Wyrm and His Hoard

    The Hunting Grounds Of Nilfog the Black Wyrm  He lives on a swamp demi-plane.  His obsidian fortress is an immaculate collector's hall.  He loves to show off for visitors. Nilfog- Deified Ancient Black Dragon AC 28 HP 1734 STR          DEX         CON        INT          WIS         CHA +18           +11          +16        +12           +11         +13           SAVES                   +18         +23                         +18         +20             CR  36 DC 28  Skills    Perception +23, Stealth +16, Persuasion +16, Nature +16 Damage Immunities: Acid, Force Damage Resistances: Fire, Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Senses blindsight 240', darkvision 480', passive Perception 33 Languages: Common, Elvish, Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarvish, Telepathy 480' Amphibious The dragon can breathe air and water. Voidwalker Nilfog can go 24 hours without breathing, can function in a vacuum and resist high levels of solar radiation. Legendary Resistanc

Eight Fangs of Doom

  Eight Fangs of Doom Lieutentants of the Lolth These are star elves that have been mixed with regular elves using sorcery.  Two adults are fused together into one being.  They are conditioned to be absolutely loyal and they act intelligently . They are sent in groups of two or four at a time to complete missions or destroy the enemies of the Lolth.  If all eight of them gather, it is with the intent of complete destruction. STR          DEX         CON        INT          WIS         CHA +2            +6            +1            +3            +0            +5            SAVES+3            +12          +7            +4            +4            +6   Their Constitution save is lower than regular star elves, but they have a higher Charisma stat (they have gained humanity). AC 22 unless noted higher HP 128  NOTE: they have the ability to summon Yoramic Knights or other allies.  They will not have more than two each on the field.  They don't want that much adoratio