
Showing posts from May, 2023

Drow Way-Stalker

    These are specially trained and equipped underdark scouts and assassins.  The evil drow version of Harpers.  They are created of bought by the great houses to serve their interests.  If an adventuring group proves troublesome, the way-stalkers are dispatched.  They work in groups of one, four, or eight.   As per Drow Elite Warrior (Monster Manual p128) with the following additional abilities:   Speed 40 ft. Challenge 7 (2,900xp) Innate Spellcasting: In addition to spells noted in the entry- 1/day each: Misty Step, Blur, Gaseous Form, Slow Potent Poisons- DC 17 for drow poison.  The victim is catatonic. They cannot be woken by damage or shaking.  It instead takes ten minutes and a successful Medicine check DC 17. Cannot be Surprised. Advantage on Initiative.   Jacinth Lenses Constant Detect Magic and can see through Illusions.   Drow Websuit Will not work for non-drow.  Confers permanent abilities: AC 18 (this includes Dexterity bonus, but drops the shield while still staying at AC

Orvalen's Arbatel

  Version 42   O rvalen’s Arbatel  A book with eighty-seven known copies.   A wizard or other spell-caster that finds and studies the book gets access to improved versions of spells, and some new spells.   This is an item for the chronic OPDM to give to his players so they can handle some of the insane stuff on this site.   The tome is usually found on the remains of one of Orvalen’s clones who has died in some horrible way.   “This iteration penned and carried by:    Flesh Simulacrum 322 (Improved) Orvalen Wichitarus of the Nether Lowlands”  This book is made of white wooden plates, two feet square.   These are enchanted to iron hardness and are nigh indestructible.   Silver threads, worked together with astral magic-stuff form the binding.   The cover announces the title and author and has a central image of a vibrant green dragon’s eye.   This eye is a permanent illusion that scans for the face of the rightful bearer.   It can be attuned normally.  On command, it can both sh

Brother Tor Tor Huo- Fist of Flame, Order of the Red Robe

  Brother Tor Tor Huo- Fist of Flame, Order of the Red Robe  STR          DEX         CON        INT          WIS         CHA +4            +5            +1            +1            +2            +0            SAVES                +10          +6                            +7              AC 20 HP 188 DR 17 Move 40’ ground, 40’ leap (perfect), Spiderclimb Immunities: Fire, Stunned, Paralyzed Resistances: Cold  XP 28,000  Hypereactive x9 (nine reactions)  You did not read that wrong.   Reaction: Ki Block- when an attack hits, block ANY attack +5 AC and disengage 10’ Reaction: Re-direct flow, when an attack hits, the damage is halved Reaction: Dao Strike- when attacked and the attack misses- make an attack Reaction: Whirlwind- when attacked and the attack misses- move Reaction: re-direct energy, when targeted by a spell, the spell gets a new target  This is as powerful as it sounds. Bonus action: step of the wind, teleport 80’ (line of effect) B