Drow Way-Stalker


These are specially trained and equipped underdark scouts and assassins.  The evil drow version of Harpers.  They are created of bought by the great houses to serve their interests.  If an adventuring group proves troublesome, the way-stalkers are dispatched.  They work in groups of one, four, or eight.
As per Drow Elite Warrior (Monster Manual p128) with the following additional abilities:
Speed 40 ft.
Challenge 7 (2,900xp)

Innate Spellcasting:
In addition to spells noted in the entry-
1/day each: Misty Step, Blur, Gaseous Form, Slow

Potent Poisons- DC 17 for drow poison.  The victim is catatonic. They cannot be woken by damage or shaking.  It instead takes ten minutes and a successful Medicine check DC 17.
Cannot be Surprised.
Advantage on Initiative.
Jacinth Lenses
Constant Detect Magic and can see through Illusions.
Drow Websuit
Will not work for non-drow.  Confers permanent abilities:
  • AC 18 (this includes Dexterity bonus, but drops the shield while still staying at AC 18)
  • Spiderclimb
  • Feather Fall
Twin Fang Hand Crossbow
Same as Hand Crossbow in the entry except that two attacks are made against the same target.

 Scrolls (choose one from among the following):

  •  Alter Self
  • Dispel Magic
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Speak with Fungus
  • Silence
  • Suggestion
  • Clairvoyance
  • Knock
  • Hold Person
  • Invisibility
  • Animal Messenger
They are not frontal assault units and do not throw their lives away.  Using stealth, or a single scout with Invisibility (scroll) they shadow a party for a while, a day or even days.  Using local intermediaries where possible, they set up an ambush.  Or at least a favorable position with high ground and cover.  They use gaseous form to get into an unexpected position and take on a hero group one by one.  They pepper the group at a range, using superior movement to displace when pursuers get too close, then circle back around once all opponents are catatonic.  They are a slippery opponent and if the party loses their cool, they will find themselves out of position.





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