Light Dragon- the Blade of Bahamut



Light Dragon-

The Primal Light before all that is


This is the Gold Dragon element in the five part Everlasting Blade of Bahamut.  It is a hand and a half bastard sword that can be wielded one handed (d8 damage) or two handed (d12 damage).  The handle and crossguard are in the shape of a flying golden dragon with outstretched wings.  The blade at rest shimmers like pale golden silk, but when ignited in  battle it blazes strong like a shard of the sun itself.


If an evil creature attempts to pick up the sword, they feel a bad vibe and if they insist on making contact (even if the hand is covered) they suffer 1d10 holy damage.


If an evil creature of draconic nature attempts to pick up the sword, the blade grows bright like an icy fragment of the sun, and there is a physical palpable resistance and a feeling of absolute dread.  If the creature continues and touches the sword they are disintegrated with no save, and no chance of recovery or return, they are turned to ashes forever.


In the hands of a good creature it functions as a +1 bastard sword.


In the hands of a good draconic creature is functions as a +2 bastard sword and has the following powers.


  • When attempting to strike an evil draconic creature you have advantage.
  • Against evil draconic creatures the spell abilities of the sword overcome spell resistance.
  • Any time the damage roll (d8 or d12) is the result of a “1” you can re-roll the damage.


The powers of the sword are existential. 


First, the blade can cut rifts into other planes of existence. At the will of the bearer they will remain, heal in time, or seal immediately.


With extended concentration (one hour) and with the blade upright in front of the wielder, gates of any kind that connect different planes of reality can be crushed and sealed completely.


Lastly, the blade confers on the wielder three Great Wishes.  These never return, and only one bearer can use them every hundred years.  Bahamut hears and answers (and might modify based on his will and wisdom).

1)    A Wish for the Hoard—a completely selfish wish for personal material gain.

2)    A Wish for the Land—a boon for the city or country that the bearer loves.

3)    A Wish for Dragonkind—a blessing from Bahamut for dragons in this world.


Should the bearer ever commit an evil act, the sword, and all the bearer’s possessions, as well as the complete possessions and material bodies of his comrades will be transported to the Vaults of Bahamut to be sealed in forever, and he will be left in the world naked, alone and cast out.


Discarding the sword is considered an evil act, and also failing to act on the sword’s mission.





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