Orvalen's Arbatel

Version 42
 Orvalen’s Arbatel

 A book with eighty-seven known copies.  A wizard or other spell-caster that finds and studies the book gets access to improved versions of spells, and some new spells.  This is an item for the chronic OPDM to give to his players so they can handle some of the insane stuff on this site.  The tome is usually found on the remains of one of Orvalen’s clones who has died in some horrible way.

 “This iteration penned and carried by:   Flesh Simulacrum 322 (Improved) Orvalen Wichitarus of the Nether Lowlands”

 This book is made of white wooden plates, two feet square.  These are enchanted to iron hardness and are nigh indestructible.  Silver threads, worked together with astral magic-stuff form the binding.  The cover announces the title and author and has a central image of a vibrant green dragon’s eye.  This eye is a permanent illusion that scans for the face of the rightful bearer.  It can be attuned normally.

 On command, it can both shrink and expand, as well as float nearby.  It can shrink to the size of a coin and hop into it’s master’s pocket.  Further, on a second command it teleport to its master’s present location across any distance or dimensions.

 The Arbatel is illuminated with many hundreds of fantastic illustrations, most of which are enhanced by moving illusions.  From these the bearer gains advantage on Nature, Religion and Arcana checks.


Version 121

In the section on spells, the original author (Orvalen Wichitarus of the Nether Lowlands) gives a-ha level original insights into common spells.  This is detailed below.


A full study of the book takes one full year.  After this it allows the author DOUBLE the number of known spells per level.  This is the only power that requires this extensive attunement.  Additionally, with a long rest you can change your known spells with any that are written down in a spellbook (to which you have access).  All other powers and upgraded versions of spells can be had with a week of full-time study.


Legendary Artifact: only one player character can benefit from this book per Campaign.


If you know a spell that is listed as “as per” on this list then you also know the new spell.  For example: you know Cone of Cold, so you would also know Cone of Icy Sleet because that spell is “as per” Cone of Cold.


Nullify- 2nd Level.  As per Counterspell except it can only counter a Counterspell.  If successful it deals 1d6 Psychic damage per level of the spell countered (which is a Counterspell).  NO SAVE on damage.


Greater Antipathy/Sympathy- 8th level.  Same as spell of same name except it lasts for thirty days.


Version 7

Wizard Eye- 6th Level.  As per Arcane Eye except the eye has True Sight.


Wizard Gate- 8th Level.  As per Arcane Gate except the gates can be up to a hundred miles apart.


Wizard Lock- 5th Level. As per Arcane Lock except it works on portals of any kind, even planar gates and is unbeatable except by a Wish.  The material component is 1000gp of gold bars.


Displacement Field- 4th Level.  As per Blur except it gives “absolute disadvantage” which means that the disadvantage cannot be countered with advantage.


Blazing Hands- 7th Level.  As per Burning Hands except it is a 60’ cone (with a 30’ terminus) and deals 70 damage (DEX for half).  The damage cannot be reduced with resistance or immunity.


Wave of Death- 7th Level. As per Circle of Death except it deals 70 Necrotic damage.  On a failed save it also peels off one Legendary Action.


Version 44

Deathly Cloud- 6th Level.  As per Cloudkill except it deals 30 Poison Damage and 30 Acid damage, save for half.


Cone of Icy Sleet- 7th Level.  As per Cone of Cold except it deals 60 cold damage that cannot be reduced through resistance or immunity.  On a failed save it takes away one reaction and one bonus action.


Superlative Word- 6th Level.  Reaction when you cast a spell.  The spell cannot be Counterspelled.  Superlative Word cannot be Counterspelled.


Clonetingency- 9th Level.  After casting this spell, a mark appears on you, and on a clone, you choose (regardless of range).  The next time you die, the Clone switches places with your body, fully conscious and in your clothes, armor and equipment.  Only one of this spell can be active at the same time (Cycle: 1)


Astral Threads- 6th Level.  As per Creation but with a casting time of one Action (rather than one minute).


Wave of Destruction- 6th Level.  As per Destructive Wave except there is NO SAVE.  It deals 20 thunder damage and 20 radiant/necrotic.


Dimensional Door- 5th Level. As per Dimension Door except Casting Time is one Bonus Action.


Baleful Disintegration- 8th Level.  As per Disintegrate except that the damage is a flat 120 points of damage and a Legendary Save is not possible against it.


Cancellation- 5th Level. As per Dispel Magic except the Casting Time is a Bonus Action (rather than one Action).


Drawmij’s Instant Summons- after reading the Arbatel this spell is given as a free choice.  It requires now a gem of 100gp value of any type.


Locus of Potency- 4th Level.  Reaction when you cast a spell.  If that spell deals damage randomly with a dice roll, it is as if each dice rolled the maximum possible.  Additionally, the spell can only be Counterspelled if both the spell and Locus of Potency are countered.


Expeditious Movement- 2nd Level.  As per Expeditious Retreat except can take a Disengage Action as well as a Dash Action.


Fabrication.  5th Level.  As per Fabricate but you can make items with a high degree of craftsmanship.  Each instance of the spell produces one Ingot of materials.


Find Mighty Companion.  As per Find Familiar but a creature of up to CR 8 appears.  This spell can only be used three times per Campaign.


Beam of Death- As per Finger of Death except it has a range of 120’ and deals 80 necrotic damage.  A creature killed by this spell rises as a Ghost under the control of the caster. Only one Ghost at a time.


Fireball- improved free spell.  Your Fireballs now deal flat fire damage, and penetrate Magic Resistance.  30 fire damage at 3rd Level.  Each level higher deal +20 damage more (150 damage at 9th level).


Flight- As per Fly except casting time is one Bonus Action and speed is 120’.  When the spell ends the caster Feather Falls to safety.  Additionally, this spell cannot be dispelled or counterspelled.


Quicksilver- 6th Level. As per Haste except you can use your extra Action to cast a spell (that requires one action of course) and there are no downer side effects.


Version 91

Ice Storm- improved On a failed save creatures are also Blinded.


Incendiary Cloud- improved On a failed save creatures are also Blinded.  Cloud deals flat 60 fire damage.


Shield Breaker- 1st Level.  Reaction when a Shield Spell is cast within 30’.  The Shield spell is counterspelled.  OR Bonus Action to dispel a Shield Spell within 30’.


Jump- improved free spell.  Bonus Action, immediately make a 60’ jump move.  This functions as a Disengage action.


Lightning Bolt- improved free spell.  Your Bolts now deal lightning fire damage, and penetrate Magic Resistance. “Lightning Fire” is dual damage, meaning to resist it a creature must have resistance to both. 30 lightning damage at 3rd Level.  Each level higher deal +20 damage more (150 damage at 9th level).  At your option it deals 10’ Knockback.


Wizard Armor- 3rd Level. As per Mage armor except it’s AC 18 + DEX.


Phantasmal Slayer- 5th Level.  As per Phantasmal Killer except the spell doesn’t end on a successful save.


Rary’s Telepathic Bond- after reading the Arbatel this spell is given as a free choice. 


Ray Spells now have a range of 120’


Shield Shatter- Use as a reaction when a Shield spell is used within 30’, it ends the spell immediately.  The Shield still blocks a single attack if it was used in response to that attack.  Or cast as a bonus action to end a Shield spell within 30’.


Shimmer Shield- As per Shield except it gives +7AC.  Can only be used if your current AC is 20 or less.


Stoneskin- improved now reduces damage from magical weapons as well, any kinetic damage including falling.  Requires a gemstone of any kind of 1000gp value.


Sunbeam- at higher levels, for each level above 6th deals +20 radiant damage.


Wall spells are added to your list of known spells.






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