
Light Dragon- the Blade of Bahamut

    Light Dragon- The Primal Light before all that is   This is the Gold Dragon element in the five part Everlasting Blade of Bahamut.   It is a hand and a half bastard sword that can be wielded one handed (d8 damage) or two handed (d12 damage).   The handle and crossguard are in the shape of a flying golden dragon with outstretched wings.   The blade at rest shimmers like pale golden silk, but when ignited in   battle it blazes strong like a shard of the sun itself.   If an evil creature attempts to pick up the sword, they feel a bad vibe and if they insist on making contact (even if the hand is covered) they suffer 1d10 holy damage.   If an evil creature of draconic nature attempts to pick up the sword, the blade grows bright like an icy fragment of the sun, and there is a physical palpable resistance and a feeling of absolute dread.   If the creature continues and touches the sword they are disintegrated with no save, and no chance of recovery or return, they are tur

Orange Master

    Orange Master As per Kuo Toa Whip Swim 40’ Step of the Water: bonus action teleport 120’ Hyper-reactive: Three Reactions Legendary Resistance x1   6x close combat attacks: +14 to hit, 6d6 + 1 (22 bludgeoning damage)   Reactions:            Make one Martial Master reaction when an enemy finishes an attack (hit or miss)                                 Throw- enemy must Make a Strength save DC or be thrown up to 20’and prone                                 Choke Hold- enemy must Make a Strength save DC or is grappled and loses half HP each round, and unconscious in three rounds                                 Sweep Kick- enemy Make a Strength save DC take 30 bludgeoning and prone        

Horn Crowned Demon

  Horn-Crowned Daemon Left arm is one massive purple and bone pincer.   Extra set of arms.   Demon mouth in center of chest. Demands a mortal soul. As Glabrezu except- ·          Collar of Abyssal Magic Resistance (worn as bracelet)- adds one layer of magic resistance.   If a creature already has this power, then you then roll three dice and take the best.   Curse: causes mutations. ·          Ring of Moon Sapphire- a solid piece of dark blue gemstone with silvery speckles, allows a caster to Teleport unwilling creatures with a save.   Curse: permanent reduction of -30HP   1/day: Teleport 2/day: Circle of Death, Finger of Death 3/day: Mass Suggestion 1/week: Teleportation Circle At Will: Burning Hands Mighty Deflection: attacks of opportunity against it fail, can move over smaller creatures Mighty Pincer: an action = choose two of the following (or the same one twice) ·          Sweep- +11 to hit against every foe within 10 ft, 22 damage (bludgeoning) This