Horn Crowned Demon


Horn-Crowned Daemon

Left arm is one massive purple and bone pincer.  Extra set of arms.  Demon mouth in center of chest.

Demands a mortal soul.

As Glabrezu except-

·         Collar of Abyssal Magic Resistance (worn as bracelet)- adds one layer of magic resistance.  If a creature already has this power, then you then roll three dice and take the best.  Curse: causes mutations.

·         Ring of Moon Sapphire- a solid piece of dark blue gemstone with silvery speckles, allows a caster to Teleport unwilling creatures with a save.  Curse: permanent reduction of -30HP


1/day: Teleport

2/day: Circle of Death, Finger of Death

3/day: Mass Suggestion

1/week: Teleportation Circle

At Will: Burning Hands

Mighty Deflection: attacks of opportunity against it fail, can move over smaller creatures

Mighty Pincer: an action = choose two of the following (or the same one twice)

·         Sweep- +11 to hit against every foe within 10 ft, 22 damage (bludgeoning) This also attacks against any held victims.

·         Snip- +13 to hit, 32 damage (slashing) plus make a STR 15 or be held fast for subsequent auto-damage.  Only one victim at a time can be held.

·         Crush- +13 to hit, 48 damage (bludgeoning) plus 10’ knockback


Sorcerous Mastery (auto-pass Concentration checks, concentrate on one additional spell, and also cast one extra spell each round as a Bonus action)  This is the extra set of arms and mouth.  No material components needed.





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